Shelves add personality to your space. Be it in the books displayed, the picture frames, the lavender scented candles or your favourite spices.
An adorable piece for a finely curated selection of your favourite things to display. If you are a sentimental person, this will be a great corner to showcase your personality and best memories.
6 Staggered Minis
Dimensions: 30cm x 30cm x 80cm (L x W x H)
Default wood: Compressed Wood (23mm in thickness)
What is inclusive?
All industrial pipe parts
[As shown in the picture]
Default color:
Coffee brown stained wood
Black industrial pipes
Customizations are allowed;
- Changing type of wood used
- Changing the color
- Changing dimensions
Charges may apply.
Do reach out to us instead via email with your requested customizations and we will get back to you with the updated price.